Learn Space—The beehive

Saturday 28 July to Sunday 2 September 2018

See the Gallery’s collection in a new and stimulating way by engaging with a special trail of STEM-themed labels and activities during National Science Week.

Help us create a beehive
Help us create a beehive, one of the key themes in this year’s Game changers and change makers program. Explore the mathematics of a hexagon and a range of other shapes.

Visit the Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne Learn Space, pick up a template, a length of wool and some pegs to construct your very own shape to add to our evolving beehive.

National Science Week at Geelong Gallery
Saturday 11 to Sunday 19 August 2018

Did you know?
Have you ever wondered why bees use hexagons in the construction of their hives? Hexagons are very useful shapes—they are one of only three shapes (along with triangles and squares) that can be placed together without leaving spaces between them, making them structurally strong.

Exhibition sponsors